The Demon Cutter is a powerful magical sword used by Ne Zha (哪吒 né zhā) that can be thrown in the air and multiply into a thousand swords that rain down up the enemy like meteors (not the be confused with the Demon Shlasher (砍妖刀 kǎn yāo dāo) and travel as fast as the wind.
Ne Zha has an array of magical weapons that are effective against demons, including the Demon Slasher, the Demon Cutter, the Demon Binder (缚妖索 fù yāo suǒ), Demon Taming Pestle (降妖杵 xiáng yāo chǔ), Stripped Silk Ball (绣球儿 xiù qiú er), and the Fire Chakram (火轮儿 huǒ lún er).