Another 500 leagues north1 lies Chun Yu Wu Feng Mountain (錞于毋逢山 chún yú wú féng shān). From the top of this mountain Ji Hao Mountain (鸡号山 jī hào shān) can be seen off to the north. The wind that blows from there is very strong. And to the west of Chun Yu Wu Feng Mountain, You Dou Mountain (幽都山 yōu dōu shān) can be seen. The source of the River Yu Shui (浴水 yù shuǐ)2 can be found there. And on You Dou Mountain there is a type of snake named Peng She, with a crimson head and white body. The noise it makes is simliar to an ox. Wherever one appears, a great drought will follow.
1 North of Di Du Mountain (帝都之山 dì dū zhī shān)
2 The "River Yu Shui (浴水 yù shuǐ)" may translate to "bathing waters"